
October 9, 2011

New Fridge

So a little while back my host family’s fridge died. This was seen as a chance to rearrange the room that serves as both the kitchen and dining room. Yes, rearrange not redecorate, cupboards and shelves were relocated to places across the room. Meaning that new holes were drilled into the cinder block walls, so that things could be screwed into the walls in new places. Unfortunately they decided to do some of that drilling during the time I had decided to make an international call to my girlfriend. But in the rearrangement process, there wasn’t any consideration about where the new fridge would go. So yesterday when my host dad came back with a new fridge the process started again. The shelves and cupboards came down and were tried out on other walls.

This method of replacing a fridge felt bizarre to me. I know if I were at home Dad would have had the tape measure out a long time ago. There would probably be layouts diagrammed on paper complete with dimensions. Plus there would be a goal to not drill more holes in the kitchen walls than was necessary. I felt like things were moved around in a more trial-and-error approach to interior design. I just went with it and offered my assistance moving the oven, fridge, table, and such to new places across the room. And even though the method was not what I would have done, it resulted in a pretty functional layout of the room. And again I’m reminded that the way I’m used to doing things is definitely not the only way.

I also helped hold cupboards up to the wall so they could be fixed to the wall. I kept jokingly offer to raise whatever I was holding, up a bit. It always generated a response which first assured me that whatever I was holding was high enough as if my question was serious, then quickly followed by a joke about me being too tall. At 6 foot I am often one of the tallest in a group, and it’s no different with my family here and their house. I have learned the places where I need to watch my head around the house. I learned pretty quickly that I need to duck to go into the bathroom.

Class is still going well, but there seems to be constant change from week to week. For instance in my class of Advanced students, I’m now teaching how to code in HTML (web design stuff). So since I don’t really know HTML I’m learning it, sometimes the day before, then teaching. It’s weird to teach a programming language (HTML) in a language I barely know (Spanish). It’s a fun challenge.

Beard’s gone, next thing is a haircut.
There are kittens here and they just opened their eyes and are starting to walk around and meow… constantly.
Bananas here cost 1 Lempira, which is about 5 cents in US dollars, score.

Thanks for reading